CTXGSA: 2.24.2019
The Austin Pride Essay Contest is open to all Central Texas high school students. The deadline for submission is May 13, 2019, and the grand prize is $1000. See the file below for more info.
The Pflugerville Public Library is hosting a Teen Anti-Prom on Friday, April 12th from 8-10 PM. More info here: library.pflugervilletx.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/17811/843?selcat=39&curm=4&cury=2019
Some parents filed a greivance against the School Health Advisory Council and tried to have them disbanned.
Parents want a sex ed curriculum that goes against the National Sexuality Education Standards and has no mention of gender or sexual orientation.
University of Texas Stories and Numbers Project
Facts based on 10+ years worth of research on LGBTQ+ students
LGB students have double and triple the rates of harassment in schools compared to cishet students (CDC Youth Risk Behavior Survey Fort Worth and Houston).
Double the number of trans students report they are feeling unsafe at school compared to cisgender students (Info from trans* youth in AISD).
LGBT students have higher rates of mental health issues and substance abuse, and often have worse grades than straight counterparts.
Texas does not have a state-level inclusive policy.
School LGBTQ+ policy strategies associated with student well-being
Enumerated policies (policies that specifically list the categories that the policies protect) work better than general policies
Ideally, we would have state-level policies, and right now, 18 states do have policies.
Professional development in LGBTQ+ issues
Administrative support is important
Schools of education are an important point of intervention. You can get a graduate degree in education without ever learning about LGBTQ+ issues, and this is a problem.
Texas Classroom Teachers association can offer it as an extension, but it should be required.
Parents and students should request professional development training for their teachers and administrators.
Inclusive curricula development; infuse curriculum with LGBTQ+ topics and history.
Safe spaces
School personnel can be a good resource if they make students feel safe.
Student-led school clubs like GSAs.
Young people supporting each others and making change
Schools with GSAs have reductions in mental health risk, better grades, less substance use
Benefits are not only limited to students in GSAs, the existence of these clubs makes the whole school better!
A school’s administration cannot tell you that you can’t have a GSA in your school
Recommendations for trans and gender non-conforming students
Lack of information about trans and gender non-conforming people
Don’t traditionally ask gender identity questions on surveys
Use chosen names and pronouns--reductions in mental health risk
Advocate for them on school forms
The Texas GSA Network wants to hear your stories!
Contact heather.frederick@outyouth.org or heather.frederick@texasgsanetwork.org if you're interested in participating.
They want a mix of both polished and homemade videos, so you can email a video taken with your phone, or you can contact Heather Frederick if you're interested in working with a videographer.
They also need quotes from you.
Send in any stories related to the recommendations.
Parents, faculty, teachers, students, and community members are welcome to participate.