CTXGSA: 9.28.2019

Leadership Structure

  • The summit creates a concrete project to think about leadership.

  • Good opportunity to talk about the future of the GSA Coalition

  • Just starting a GSA at a school doesn’t mean it will thrive, so this organization helps with longevity

  • Helps create a structure

  • Someone from each of the member GSAs could be on a committee

  • Peter Price with AISD is doing more of an Informed Parents of Austin type group. More of a grassroots, everyday type group. Makes sure that each of the schools are doing the things they’re supposed to.

    • Maybe reach out to him.

  • Start thinking about people who have already emerged as leaders by showing up to meetings.

  • Maybe one person per school district who disseminates information.

    • Someone reached out to Susanne about starting an Informed Parents of Round Rock group

    • Might need someone at a school GSA, could be an adult or a student

  • Having a goal helps facilitate leadership

  • Having a purpose motivates people

Updates on Informed Parents of Austin

  • Heading towards October 28th board meeting

  • Board is voting on the lessons for comprehensive sex ed

  • In February, board unanimously passed scope and sequence of sex ed

  • Concerned Parents of Austin have banded together with the Texas Values group. They come to board meetings and flood the meetings. They represent disproportionately. They also do letter-writing campaigns.

  • People speak up for school equity and also mention comprehensive sex ed

  • Concerned Parents try a lot of different things

    • “Comprehensive sex ed goes against Hispanic communities”

  • Informed parents has more people behind them than Concerned Parents does.

  • Informed Parents needs some support at the final board meeting.

  • On the 24th, there will be someone from the Texas Freedom Network. Even if AISD passes this, the state board of education is working on revamping the state sex ed guidelines and the people who run it are super conservative. 

    • Trying to get a bunch of people get the message out

    • There will be a broadcast. 

  • Being supported by ACLU, HRC, Equality Texas, and Trans Education Network

  • Want a diverse cross-section of the population. 

  • Concerned Parents hasn’t had students come to talk, so Informed Parents wants students to show up and either speak for a minute or just show up.

  • The point of the meeting on the 24th is to ease people’s nerves because many of them haven’t done this before. 

    • If there are students who have questions, this is a good time for them to come.

    • What CAC meetings and SHAC meetings are

  • There will be lots of press at the school board meeting.

  • The same four or five parents show up for Concerned Parents.

  • Since the board has already approved the scope and sequence, they may shut down anyone who is speaking about anything that’s not relevant to the lessons

  • There are screenshots of the lessons in the Informed Parents of Austin

  • Trying to do a “My Favorite Lesson” social media campaign

Pride Week Kickoff

  • Could maybe use ACLU to print off resources (ask Susan)

  • No promotion of sales or services

  • Resource fair

  • The kickoff event is free

  • Each principal can request a bus to go from each campus to the event

  • Need to spread the word to make this huge and something that gets done every year

  • Should be a fun event

  • Might need student performances (ask Griselda)

  • For pride week, each school is getting a pride pack with ally stickers, pride stickers, banners, pride flag to hang from the flagpole that should be up at every school

  • Some schools seem resistant to using the pride packs

  • Trying to find people at each schools to ask the principal about the pride packs

  • Informed Parents of Austin could come talk at school GSA meetings

Ideas for Coalition Meetings

  • Virtual meetings potentially

  • Metropolitan Community Church is South but they reached out to Informed Parents about hosting meetings

  • Planned Parenthood has a meeting room at their central location in Austin

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